Your life and actions, an inspiration for many

Written by on . Posted in All Y4PT Chapters, Y4PT Belgium & EU, Y4PT Belgium & EU in Brussels, Y4PT Brazil, Y4PT Brazil in Belo Horizonte, Y4PT Brazil in Florianopolis, Y4PT Brazil in Florianopolis at UFSC, Y4PT Chile, Y4PT Colombia, Y4PT England, Y4PT France, Y4PT Germany, Y4PT Greece, Y4PT India, Y4PT Media, Y4PT Nepal, Y4PT Oman, Y4PT Qatar, Y4PT Russia, Y4PT Spain, Y4PT UAE



Happy  happy holidays everybody!

One of the best part of the holiday period is spending time with the special people in your life.

Whatever keep us in touch with each other, is stronger and powerful than what keeps us apart.

We are social animals, we are human beings, and it is inherent to our species to be together. Nowadays, because of the excess use of technologies, we neglect being together and we prefer to find our affirmation in selfish behaviours and devices, where we feel we can deny our being humans.

And this is not only valid for young people but applies to all of us.

We are living in a period of time were everything is volatile, uncertain, complex ambiguous and fast.

I’m not asking you deny the future this will not be possible and even envisioned. We are going into this future, we are already different and we cannot give up on our tools.

Instead, I’m asking you to dedicate a part of your time to look inside of you and use your devices wisely. Reflect:

This is a society that has confused the purpose, ECONOMY, with the MEAN, human beings.

Scientifically proven, if any proof is needed, through consumerism and excessive use of devices and apps, this society is bringing the rise of depression and solitude pathologies, leading to different form of madness, separatism and fanaticism.

Nowadays we experience a form of “intellectual terrorism”, the one of a unique thought, the one of globalisation, often exerted and practiced on our individual souls.

One of the most trivial example, the Airports lounges all over the world which are presenting us with the same brands and items no matter where we go. Or Google itself, which is showing you the most common results the world is aware of, when you are searching on its engine. Tell me, did you ever scrolled down more than 2 pages of search results?


We should then all act to bring back reflection, pauses and Humanity in our lives, in our work,  in our organisations, in the world.

Obviously, THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL WORDS BUT they will not change and bring back humanity just in saying them…

So what are the steps we should all be going through to get back our abilities to reflect and being reflective humans how to bring back humanity?

First of all I think we have to work on ourselves and start learning again to reflect

We have to start to do something concrete to make it happen.

What is Reflection? Something that reflects comes back to you. If you look in a mirror, you will see your reflected image. If you reflect on your past experiences, you look at them once again thoughtfully.

But if you are not used to reflect, you have to learn how to do it: so, what do you need to make it happen? You need FIRST OF ALL, your will.

The main thing is to stop for a few minutes each day and look back at your life

Think about

  • Memorableexperiences, or encounters—what stood out in your mind, or how you felt about an experience. Is there something you can use in the future?
  • Challengingissues that came up and whether you dealt with them, or are still trying to figure them out.
  • Successand achievements that may go unnoticed if you don’t write them down.

Spend  30 seconds after an experience, to write down what stood out for you. Your mind can be,  surprisely, the best tool you have.

Another fundamental  subject and the key to happiness is real communication

A supportive comment or chat  on our Social Media is much more valuable than a one-click-feedback in the shape of a like.

But more than that, I suggest you to go out, walk, cycle, meet, and share, tell a story to your friends, and learn to ask questions.

Generate true connection to the people you care about. Mere likes alone won’t make us happy. And least of all during depressive periods.

READ, get lost in a good book. Time and again reading has been shown to make us healthier, smarter and more emphatic.

Why the Youth is not reading anymore? Mostly, because we are too fast and we are not able to have a span of attention. Nowadays our span of attention is lower than the one of a goldfish, one second less.

Flipping real pages can help you understand what you’re reading instead of just scrolling on your devices

Reading puts your brain to work, and that’s a very good thing. Those who engage their brains through activities such as reading, chess, or puzzles could be 2.5 less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease than those who spend their down time on less stimulating activities.

“It really doesn’t matter what book you read, but be sure,  by losing yourself in a good book you can escape from the worries and stresses of the everyday world , exercise your fantasy and generate connections among the 2 hemispheres of your brain . These are the words of  the cognitive neuropsychologist David Lewis​

Scanning headlines and retweeting quips is easier and instantly rewarding releasing dopamine but is not going to make much cognitive difference. If anything, such sweet nothings are dangerous, the literary equivalent of sugar addiction. Information gathering in under 140 characters is lazy. The benefits of contemplation through narrative offer another story.

Research showsthat trough reading you make smarter decisions about yourself and those around you.


do not delegate to machines because of laziness,

do not forget in your daily life, that machines are a Program: and the programs are useful for the Projects.

You are the Projects.

Make your life be the best project. Ever. Make this gift of life, meaningful for the whole world (not only for Humans but for the entire environment and for the planet).

Our lives are a never-ending quest to share our best work with the rest of the world. You are responsible for that change. You need to define yourself, plan your change, and make it happen.

Be an optimist. And make an impact in your own small way possible.

Start Reading and start writing. Love, love people, animals, things, and then help others to love. Do something good and ask others to pass it on. Be profound. Find focus in a world without it.

Become minimalist in a world of complexity. Reach out to those who are frustrated, depressed, angry, confused, sad, hurt. Be the voice for those without one. Learn, do, and then teach. Teach people to get passionate about something.

Dare to be wrong. Help others achieve their dreams. Put a smile on someone’s face, every day. Start an open-source project. Make a podcast. Start a movement. Be brave. Be honest. Be hilarious. Get really, really good at something. Practice a lot. A lot. Start now. Try.

If you’re willing to take the risk of sharing yourself and your ideas with the world, you can create value you will be proud of.

Do not care about judgements and people against you. History is the witness that mass movements were always lowering, depressing and flattening the different ones.

Our world needs the best project you can be

Our world needs Models for the Youth but also for the adults

Our world needs the best project you can be

The word MODEL comes from Latin, MODULUS, which means Measure.

When you have a Model it means that you have a measure to make, to understand the difference between your measure and the other measures.

Now, a Model have not to be a teacher but have to be people incarnating LIFE.

Try to live as a model, thinking that everybody is looking at you, to look as exactly the same, to act in the same way, speak the same.

The difference, among you all, will be between the ones that will like to give it a try, and the ones that will say this is not for me.

Stay open, critic, sceptic, vigilant on all matters, particularly science and politics.

So, read the mysteries,

Do not stop at the obvious

Strive your ability to associate one idea with another

by reading books

In a massified world full of superficial information,

piece together like in a puzzle

Revolutionize your believes, attitudes and values

Challenge yourself constantly

Go beyond the Media, they have a will to cover all and keep you depressed trough bad news and superficial ones

Remember that nature function on cooperation not on competition, so each day try to exert your power to bring back connections among humans, their ideas and their values.

Many of you are part of our network Y4PT and you have dedicated many years of your lives to better your communities, friends, family lives and entire cities , and have gone a long way internationally to bring a different lifestyle to the doors of decision makers and actors of your daily lives.

Please, continue to act as the wonderful models you are, the world deserve your presence and earn an immense value. Continue not to listen to the call of mermaids out there and proceed on your beautiful enlightened path that are your lives.

The dots you are connecting will bring this world a step forward towards a more interesting, unflatten, cultured new generation.

Again, with all my love, happy holidays to all!



Some beautiful readings, videos and apps, yes apps, but clever ones!


Alessandro D’Avenia here is a short biography



Video  English subtitles – A MUST SEE

Alessandro Baricco

“ The Game “

here is short biography

Silicon Valley and the time spent from kids on screens


Bernard Georges:

on Empathy

Margaret Burden:

Book   “AI its nature and future “ ( 2016)

Max Tegmark


Some apps to keep you intellectually alive!

Duolingo: A game that teaches you languages. It is the perfect thing to do when you’re bored and on your phone. While everyone else is scrolling Instagram and melting their brain, you are learning a second language.

ProgrammingHub: ProgrammingHub is similar to Duolingo, except instead of being a game that teaches you a second language, it teaches you code.

VocabularyBuilder: VocabularyBuilder by Magoosh is ostensibly a study app for the GRE, but I’ve found it to be a great way to expand my English vocabulary for fun.

Magnus Trainer: A game that teaches you chess. It breaks down chess into component parts and has mini-games to help you master various aspects of chess. Switching out toxic apps for Magnus will give you the skills you need to slay at board game night. Plus, being good at chess makes you feel really smart.

Elevate: Elevate is an app with mini-games to sharpen your brain. Unlike Luminosity or other ‘brain game’ apps, Elevate’s mini-games teach you real-world skills. Mental math, vocabulary and reading comprehension can all go up!

Brilliant: Unfortunately very pricey at $119/year, Brilliant is an app that teaches you mathematics and science. If you are not a nerd, this is perfect for you: it makes these topics which seemed so unapproachable in high school suddenly fun to learn, and in bite-sized pieces too.


Letter to my Youth: bringing back consciousness in a rushing world

Written by on . Posted in All Y4PT Chapters, Y4PT Belgium & EU, Y4PT Brazil, Y4PT Chile, Y4PT Colombia, Y4PT England, Y4PT France, Y4PT Germany, Y4PT Greece, Y4PT India, Y4PT Media, Y4PT Nepal, Y4PT Oman, Y4PT Qatar, Y4PT Russia, Y4PT Spain, Y4PT UAE, Y4PT World

Dear Youth,

being with you, if only for a short while , has an immense power. The special power of freshness and enthusiasm, as well as the one of looking far into the future, in the world of the unknown.

Youth For Public Transport, despite a name being very specific,  has been created with the will of declining this acronym in many different ways : Youth For Productive Togetherness has been one of these.

When you create an organization from scratch like I did, you do not necessarily have a vision of the extent that it can take in the future, neither you visualize immediately the path you’ll undertake. But one thing was absolutely clear:

I had and have a deep will to forge young brilliant minds, to let them understand completely the power that is in their hands to change things, starting from the ones lying very close to them but also lying very far away.

And  to possibly teach and pass each and every one of them  important messages and open possibilities, giving access to  knowledge and curiosity contaminating everything with a lot of enthusiasm.

This is the real freedom I love to teach you : the freedom of choosing knowledge as the way to enrich and guide your path, whatever the path will be for you.

In all these years of Y4PT, I have seen these Societies and Cities of ours all over the continents evolving and developing as Ants Colonies, whilst development of new technologies gaining in speediness and growth. From virtual reality to tech genetic manipulations.

An exciting moment: but, as each exciting moment, it comes with its down. Much has been written and continue to be written, on this  first incredible accelerated moment in the History of Humanity.

In many, we perceive that the worst part of this new accessible world is this sort of rush  we have undertaken without knowing exactly where we are going , animated by the continuous discoveries and accelerations.

For us, poor pawns on a giant chess game, confusion, a web full of misguidance via giants like the GAFAM (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) and basic and poor randomness of information: if you do not already have culture and knowledge, it is terribly difficult to navigate through the quantity of misinformation without being catch, distracted and mislead by the new media.

Actually, I think the freedom (read power )of the web is the one to distract ourselves, not letting us focus on priorities, giving us the feeling and perception that, if we go for something which is averagely good, we are creating a  masterpiece ; instead of elevating our minds, the web keeps us busy and standard.

And no doubts many love to dominate a number of pawns growing each day a bit more exponentially in a fast way… Sugar and nice gratifications and here you are: the perfect dumb is born.

This is why many of us  just remain attached to this small section of social media life: because they find their own small world suddenly so big, nice and protective.

Often young people  focus on the web , not only because born on this Time and young, but also because is possible to quickly find spaces and little moment of glory and fun , and have it all NOW…


And you concentrate on these little big virtual worlds, where possibly there is a space to be someone and make some money, out of a terrible external competition.

All of this without learning too much of the world that is outside, of humans you could mingle and learn from.

But there is more than that, in this world: and I would love you to see this incredible beauty of diversity out of those screens, and to make a strong point let’s take books.

Yes, a book. Yes I know, it takes time to read. And may be you’ll tell me that the world is full of people that are making money in easy ways , and a lot of money…

So I’d love to drive your attention to this ( please follow me for a few more minutes, reading time, 4 min…. 🙂 )

Lately Dubai  has created a Ministry of happiness, because , although all his technology and innovation , limitless wealth and opulence,  there is something missing to reach the kind of postcard they are dreaming of .

What is missing is happiness…people are much less happier in this world of ours: the wealthier you are the less happier you are, fact.

Humanity is in search of Happiness with the big H , since the beginning of Time. Hundreds of texts has been written to make the praise and philosophising of Happiness   I cite just the one that started, Plato ( the Greek philosopher  yes , him)

Our world is more and more looking on the outside considering happiness could come from having more stuff, doing more things; but only a deep inner world  balanced with the outer world  that big achievements can be reached.

Frugality appears to us being harsh , but consumerism doesn’t satisfy us if not momentarily because human beings ‘desire, when satisfied, is leading us to desire more: and this, Facebook and all others “gratifying GAFAM”, they know it well.

The world of humans, later on all of a sudden has started running , it is splashed towards tech and consumerism in an unbridled consumer society where the words LIMIT doesn’t seems to have a sense any more. A bit like in the case of the II thermodynamic law, the world is rushing towards a complete state of disorder.

While, from one side , this limitless sensation , has brought us, at first sight  to gain a feeling of a deeper belonging to ourselves, on the long run , instead, is making ourselves losing any type of reference, knowledge and culture, be it on the field of spirituality, sexuality, alcohol, drugs,food  or any other consumerism habit. We have become more egoistic, we are trying to affirm ourselves and develop our individualistic bubbles.

But suddenly is not enough: we need people to talk with and about us (gratification)if we do not want to end up with disturbances of our minds and bodies. Humans are by nature social animals. Mostly then, what do  we do? We go on Facebook or check our Instagram accounts to see how many likes we have collected. Easy isn’it ? And absolutely gratyfing…

This is a just one examples of how the use of Tech can change our way of thinking and acting: what I also see, is that with the upcoming technology humans are refusing their place in the natural world; first we endangered species, then we destroyed and destroy nature and now we are alienating ourselves from the natural environment, refusing to be humans, searching for deity.


Sooner or later chips  will  implement our brains and will make the most out of us : the augmented species will take the place of our natural one. Who know if we will be able to find a way of survival in a “plastical” world? May be yes, it will happen. The evolution will transform our bodies at the point that we will be made of plastic ( we are ingesting already myriads of micro particles of it…)and who knows how many other materials.


While all this is happening , we should reflect on our personal individual and collective positions : are we willing to follow the mass or to take a clear engagement and position to be actors and not only spectators of our lives?

Are we trying  to become, lifetime individuals that are willing to make a difference or not? Able to stand on one side or another, not just because we will be able to survive but because we will be gratified by our REAL part of real life commingling with the world ?

Although being individualistic, we should remind ourselves that big creativities, disruptions and innovations are coming from cumulation and collaboration. Mainstreams market do not have new big ideas. Humans are structured by society to be driven in competition but in true reality, it is only through collaboration, communication and sharing that we can build up.

Closed organization are now opening to the mix of close and open, a model that is starting to be adopted and will be for sure more successful. And Companies, will be built on communities.

You can be part of this connections, or  maybe you have already decided to be part of it; we are talking about sharing , about people, about harmony with the Planet hosting us.

I’d love you to reflect with me on this absurd assumption, that a few powerful companies or individuals ,  are willing us to believe that the consumeristic and basic tech  world of today will be the only solution, the only opportunity we have, the only Verb, the unique concrete way in which we can live, in order not to be feeling isolated and banned.

This is why I’d love you could perceive that  Youth For Public Transport, “Youth For Productive Togetherness” as I like to call it sometime, should be seen like an “escape” place from the banality of this standardization of the world, a place to do something special, a place for people to develop new ideas,  a human tech structure a home for your new cohesiveness, for your days out of this global anxiety of the world.

-Till the moment in which , we will  all deeply change and face a new future. –

With love,


I wish you all for these days , reflection , happiness, health, fun and luck and see you soon in 2018!

PS: Advised reading

Homo Deus  – Prof. Yuval Noah Harari (English: September 2016. Spanish: October 2016. Portuguese: November 2016. Turkish: December 2016. Chinese: January 2017. German: February 2017. Dutch: February 2017. Croatian: May 2017,; Italian: May 2017, Bompiani. Korean: May 2017.)

Milan Kundera – La fiesta de la insignificancia ( English – Spanish – French)

Laurent Alexandre  – La guerre des intelligences ( French )



In a world of violence, a journey in the land of human strength

Written by on . Posted in All Y4PT Chapters, Y4PT Belgium & EU in Brussels, Y4PT Brazil, Y4PT Chile, Y4PT Chile in Santiago, Y4PT Colombia, Y4PT Colombia in Bogota, Y4PT India, Y4PT Media, Y4PT Nepal, Y4PT Oman, Y4PT Qatar, Y4PT UAE, Y4PT World

“The truth of a thing is in the feel of it, not the think of it.” Stanley Kubrick


While life is developing itself more and more in vertical urban environments, the incredible Youth of the World is manifesting its talents even more horizontally.
Give some Teams a believe and an issue to solve, and everyone will work together, forgetting their religious beliefs and cultural differences and united in the effort.
Then, bring them again to the real world and the divisions will reapply…why?
Because it seems we have to live in a world who thought us to be divided: everyone on its own to perform better than the other ones, to compete and gain more power and money.
Differences were born with the first shells utilized as money ‘exchanges…and voilà, game over, or to better say, let’s start the game!
What we have tried to create at Y4PT, and continuously trying to do, is to generate new spaces and new perspectives, new friendships, were the boundaries are useless.
Bringing back to life the incredible hope that only humanity coming from the inside deep hearts is able to bring to a divided actual scenario.
We are accomplishing, with the help of true helpers, passionate and competent people, what makes us feel alive: we are feeding a static world, centred on power and money making, with stories and ideas bringing harmony and feeling of belonging.
We are enhancing the beauty of souls and wisdoms, all through a long path lasting now since 12 years. All trying to understand why we are on this planet, on this Universe, to understand human history, attitudes and activities, to possibly generate guidance and novelties; to make our human society being again in harmony with the planet that hosts us, bringing joy at the same in the communities we form.

Our special hackathon

Through 1 year full of thousands of e-mails, we were able to create a connection based on positivity, energy, will to work, and compete for Humanity with a common goal.
We started with lot of no and denials, and just our firm will to make it happened, opened the door of a random basis’ selection. Like a domino effect cascade, it involved and generated a will of being part of something  huge, that later on reflected the variety of the 22 cities and 37 nationalities involved. Operators, Universities, Authorities, that , after engaging through thousand e-mails exchanges, were feeling committed to something at the beginning they didn’t know how it revealed itself.
After 18 months of bubbling cities and groups generating ideas, we finally all met in Montreal, like if we knew each other since the Age of Time: hugging each other with the news and jumping of joy to meet again with the core old group. Every time is a miracle. We stay connected.

When we meet we are all just breathing together, naturally: just humans.

I’d love to say a few words and name each of you that shared those moments with me: I will forget some so, please forgive me if I do not name all!!

Beibut, putting aside his country idea to develop on his own the project he won with, opening himself to a bigger adventure. Massimo, the kindest, who made his abilities appear so normal. Emma, determined to push here boundaries and fight to advance her Nation. Kim so young and pushy, driven by a “bigger than her” adventure under the guidance of Mark, so deeply appreciative and collaborative. Thomas, a revelation, with a special communication ability, pure eyes and smile that will make people feeling happy and doors easily opening. Julius, such a loving kind and humble young man, while his mind, absolutely a strong one, proudly representing his country. Maria, a bubbling woman with a brilliant mind, a nanotech engineer, who said a scientist cannot be feminine? Igor, the purest mind’s reader that just through emails was connecting and caring for people. Pablo, the shy guy, not yet realizing to be on board of this big adventure.

Yes, an adventure: every Y4PT encounter is a true surprise, as we do not know how energies and minds will combine.

Gustavo and his brother, appreciating every moment of this connection with sparkling eyes, storing every fact and every memory inside his brain to bring it back to his family and life. Marco, the real prototype of the inventor, a deep loving person with a true committed life and believe in humanity. Ignacio, the grateful, learning every step ahead, who, working hard for his passion is building step by step his new reality. Juan Sebastian, faithful to his country’ image, learning to study and live in a country so different from his one. Under his “cover” of silent guy, a wonderful heart and laughing soul. Thomas from Chile, a mix of cultures showed through its entire figure , making committed efforts to work for the Team and opening to the world. Max, the real representative of his country, making smiles happening on his face everyday a bit more.

Fidel, the gentle inscrutable with a giant heart bringing back memories and learnings, always available to listen and give his presence. André, with his contagious enthusiasm and ability to push his boundaries. Eloi, the real geek with millions of ideas in a bubbling mind. Charles, the silent, absorbing and observing, without still believing what was happening through his life! Saeed, the practical one, able to spot the best things and moves with a real chess mind and eyes. Dejan, the “already formed and fitted” guy, so happy to show his abilities but at the same time discovering a place with no pushing competition. Bruno, the humble, introverted that when rightly solicited expressed a real knowledge and commitment.A straightforward Johnathan with his smile and energy…

Many others were there, many others memories of mine to form layers of humanity, all lasting in my mind.

And add to them the great team of passionate “gurus”, mentors, guides, supporters and friends!

Mercedes, finally able to free her mind from job’s clichés, a reserved Lady with a great understanding of the Field.
Laura, a true enthusiastic being, finally living a complete experience where her artistic, spiritual, mentoring, communication abilities and beliefs were all together in one place.
Sam, able to combine his Transport knowledge with his innovative and driven passion, in a tight schedule where everything was respected, fitting and finding the right place. Able to keep on track for long lasting nights and days!
René, a curious discoverer, full of light and true enthusiasm, combined with a lot of knowledge.

Guys, what a human experience was this one!! Such a beautiful journey we had!!

Rafael , the calmer , the observer, the actor who holds things together, able to spot every microgram of a possible problem, anticipating every move to untie the knots.

Yasmina, which I connected through a receiving energy moment, that got finally back positivity and energy from the experience; and so committed that she worked hard to refill the batteries of everyone because of this superior commitment she felt, and that we all had in that special place.

Friends, my words are reductive, especially because I do not use my language to express all these feelings, but,when people like to connect, only good things and energy can circulate in a space that is at a time physical and not.

And this is exactly what happened: without knowing: every piece of the puzzle was falling in the right space. Everything became possible and doable. You, as pillars, were supporting one each other and a fluid chain of love was forming.

Ideas were taking shape, shaped by an over dimensional energy, love was circulating and hugs were becoming the simplest and easiest form of communication, accompanied by continuous bright smiles enlightening everyone faces, also on the most reluctant ones, per culture and tradition. I saw the best tentative smiles from the more no used to, countries’ representatives.

Gratitude and joy were the most frequent feelings showed by words and eyes, while a high tech world of abilities was concentrating there…

Imagine how people could generate more, if only able to work and create in a positive energy environment.

And this is our Mission, yours now too! For everyone that experienced an event like this one , to continue to bring forward, despite all evil, all greed , all jealousy, all sadness, all negativity, all difficulties, this sane spirit.

The spirit of true togetherness to create advancements in a broken society.

Thanks to all of you, who, as simply spirits, despite preformatted education, you were able to be coherent with your deep self and connect , with no boundaries, with other people.

This is the believe we should all go through, the believe in humanity.

Something more than an hackathon

Learn through love and through passion, to unite universes that were thought irreconcilable, finding out, that, all over the world young talented minds are living to put the basis of an already present tomorrow which we can spot among today reality.

Discretely, humbly. And if we can spot them and bring them all together, all these lights will join in a no barrier present future.

Pure harmony were enlightenment, happiness, energy, gratitude, love, sharing , passion, discipline, consciousness, audacity, are the words and believe me, is not rhetoric.

With this “more than a hackathon”, we broke stereotypes and conventions overcoming our limitations.

We showed the world that events like these can be different, it all depends on the ability of showing more feelings and true love.

You all made real friendship through a series of unplanned connectivity in a soul and human value’s environment: we didn’t only innovate, we enjoyed innovating.

Big brands and advertising Mantras affect the world, and Y4PT is willing to show that there is more to it.

From gambling to shopping, social media or booze, we are becoming addicts: our fast paced societies are taking us away from the truth. We have so much stuff and wealth, so many gadgets and choices, but, is any of it making us happier? Does they fulfil us at a deeper level?

I’ve learned the hard way that the only way out is to look within.

Did you already said I believe? Did you already feel that energy that is making you find more energy also when you do not have more? As you see concretely under your eyes that things are changing, also if it is happening slowly? And that you contribute to the positive change of this world? That you have an influence?

Well, this is exactly what we all were, together in Montreal, and where we will stand together, for the future, also in the worst eventuality of not meeting physically again anywhere else in the world.

Because once experienced , you become addicted to Y4PT! ‘Cause we believe in YOU’th!

A giant hug to all!


PS No words are needed to indicate the trust, the beliefs and the long lasting endurance of my closest collaborators, co-founders Alfredo Barba and the Y4PT Chapters and ex chapters, friends from India, Nepal, Colombia and Pakistan , Italy,  Nabeel Faraz, Juju Kaji, Daniel Perez, Muhammad Junaid Mandoori, Lorenzo Casullo,  that relentless are working in their countries and at different  international level to make a real transformation and create positivity all around them. Without you and your strength, this transformation wouldn’t have been possible.

Madrid is the first city joining our worldwide Hackathon and it’s happening these July and August 2016!

Written by on . Posted in All Y4PT Chapters, Y4PT Belgium & EU, Y4PT Belgium & EU in Brussels, Y4PT Media, Y4PT World



Madrid, through EMT Madrid and MobilityLabs, is the first city joining our Global Y4PT Hackathon, willing to give hundreds of people the opportunity to reach bigger audiences with their ideas, a platform were exchanges can be made, a place and moment were all their abilities can be finally be shown to the world of urban mobility.

The Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid (also known as EMT Madrid) is the Madrid Public Transport Company that operates urban buses as part of the public transit services in Madrid, Spain. EMT Madrid also operates part of the underground parking facilities of the city as well as the tow-truck service. The organization is wholly owned by the municipality of Madrid and is a member of the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (the Madrid regional transport authority).

EMT and MobilityLabs Madrid launches this Hackathon to present a new Opendata platform. With this vocation, the contest is open for developers and data journalists or any other citizen who, either individually or in teams, would like to work with free data or looking for new development models. Whether you are a student, professional, or business startup, you are invited to participate!

The information is available in this link:

On July 11th a first workshop will be held in MedialabPrado, in Madrid, framed within the Hackathon contest MobilityLabs 2016. The essential purpose of the event is to present the platform and all its subsystems. To do this, from 10 AM to 5 PM there will be theoretical and practical sessions alternating. In addition, there will be some introductory session’s experts on various platforms related to the technologies.

The event will go on for two months, made of 2 phases:

  • 1st phase will be dedicated to data Collection from the MediaLab platform and will last one month;
  • 2nd phase will be dedicated to develop services and will also last one month;

The following websites may be of help for you:

To check if you have the required profile:

The contest rules are posted at:

Do you dare? sign up here:


What is MobilityLabs?

MobilityLabs is an open and interoperable platform that enables the concentration of information based on events likely to be used in the field of urban mobility. This information is stored in Big Data and Real Time models. In short, MobilityLabs Madrid is a virtual space for the exchange of experiences and information in which developers and journalists can store data or extract information using the extensive resources available to the platform.

How is the way they work?

The workshop aims to be a platform for research, production, and learning from that and support the development of the new born Hackathon ideas.

The proposals will be developed in multidisciplinary working groups with the conceptual and technical advice from the organizers.

The organizers will provide as far as possible the needed tools for the implementation and documentation of selected projects.

Since one of the key objectives of the workshop is to promote the development, dissemination and free access to new data on the platform of open data EMT, participants will be encouraged to develop adequate documentation of the projects, both during the workshop and subsequently to completion, and to publish the results and source code under free licenses that allow access and dissemination of knowledge produced during the workshop.

MedialabPrado promotes the use of free software technology tools. Therefore encourages participants to work with shared and open coded applications and computing environments.

                                Worlwide Hackathon culminating @ the Montreal UITP Summit 2017Y4PT-Transport-Hackathon-BannerY4PT-Transport-Hackathon-Global-CreditsThis Regional Hackathon in Madrid, is the first one taking place within the Global Contest launched to see the regional finalists selected, participating at the final international Hackathon taking place in Montreal during the UITP Montreal Summit May 2017.

Y4PT devotes all its day-to-day activities to contribute the most to achieve universal sustainable transport coverage with public transport as cornerstone of multimodal mobility solutions. This is also expected from all contestants and their projects. Hackathon entries should contribute somehow to an ultimate goal, the one of doubling public transport’s market share worldwide (PTx2): UITP estimates that it would save around 170m tons of oil and 550m tons of CO2 equivalent; reduce urban traffic fatalities by 15%; double the number of jobs in public transport operators as well as reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease by 50% thanks to the greater role of walking, cycling and public transport.


Moreover all entries should be in line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the one addressing sustainable transport (Target 11.2):

By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons”.

We are more than happy to welcome EMT Madrid and the future winners to be part of innovation for the world in Montreal! See you soon, Canada!


The Healthy Mobility Challenge is back! 3rd Edition, 2016

Written by on . Posted in All Y4PT Chapters, Y4PT Belgium & EU, Y4PT Belgium & EU in Brussels, Y4PT World

Our urban areas are becoming more and more polluted because of a rising numbers of cars and congested roads that are concentrating exhaust gases in city’s environments, bringing together millions of people that have to live in those places.

Traffic-related health is decreasing: the hostile relationship between human drive technological change and environment and impacts on health, cloaks a paradox since in the case of transport it facilitates the allocation of socio-economic resources, but at the same time, it causes detriment to the milieu at every single stage of the chain. From one side transport activities supply increasing mobility demands for passengers and goods, while on the other they are associated with growing negative environmental externalities, with clear effects on health.

It is ironic, that for example, a simple action (beneficial with a naked eye) such as driving kids from their homes to the kindergarten in order to receive their daily lessons can damage environment if diesel-fuelled school buses are used, and later on the expelled smoke becomes the cause of respiratory diseases in them and people around.

Healthy Mobility is here for a switch!

The Healthy Mobility – Modal Shift Challenge is willing to swap your attitude, and bring some fresh air on your days!healthy_mobility

For the third consecutive year, we are asking you to give it a try: leave your car at home, completely or partially, add some walking or biking into your daily displacements and, for one month, see the difference, is for real!

Later on, take our survey, click on the link below, it will only take 5 minutes! Why? Because:

Y4PT is willing to listen in a detailed way to what people think, and bring your active voices and actions, to the attention of the decision-makers, to rise stronger attention on transport-related issues that are totally uncontrolled by citizens, that passively have to accept to breathe and live in polluted environments, just because of the oil lobby power and car manufacturers hegemony.

Our up-rising can bring all people in the direction of an healthier way of living, walking more, biking more, and taking public transport, to contrast a lethal global attitude.

Actually, are you physically aware of the benefits that can be induced by changing our mobility behaviors? Do you know that you can lose weight, reduce your risks of diabetes, obesity and cholesterol related diseases; have a healthy heart and a lower blood pressure? Do you know that you can avoid depression, be happier and mentally more awaken if you use public transport and integrate other forms of movement around your city?


Take the Survey also if you are already an Healthy Mobility friend!

If you have already integrated in your life a healthy mobility behavior, take the challenge and document it taking the survey to show us your good habits!


Everyone interested in promoting public transport, biking and walking as sustainable alternatives to cars and other private transport modes.


During the whole month of May 2016.


Download the printable HealthyMobility logo (sticker) which you will be wearing during the challenge period (you can stick it on your bike, bags, books, smart phone, computer…)

– Think about a “rather than by car” transport mode (public transport, biking, walking, etc…) which you will be using during the scheduled period in order to move around your city.

– At the end of the challenge period, fill up the online survey and provide us with detailed and contextual information about your experience. Your voice will be heard at Transports Publics 2016 – European Mobility Exhibition in Paris (France, Europe) and everywhere in the world!


Post your videos, pics and messages on our Facebook and Twitter walls! |

You already took the survey? Great! Now , we are asking you to document your challenge, and, if you already have healthy habits, show them to us! We are willing to build an exhibit of the best videos and pictures around the world documenting these positive behaviors of yours: so, post on our dedicated Facebook page, the videos and pictures show your change!

Share with us your incredible transformations while you were weighing more before the challenge and less after it! Show your healthy foods, your smiles before and after the challenge, your sunny and healthy skin, your attitudes!

Your success videos and photo’s stories will compose our Y4PT Healthy Mobility Yearbook!

Here for you just a few ideas of subjects to document your “before and after” Healthy Mobility – Modal Shift Challenge:

  • Weighing more – weighing less
  • Serious faces – Smiling faces
  • Way of dressing: less color – more color
  • Junk food – healthy food
  • Drinking sodas – Drinking water
  • In a car – On a bike
  • In a car- Walking
  • In a car – Taking public transport
  • On a couch – Exercising
  • In front of television – dancing or running with your dog
  • Old hair style – New hair style

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #HealthyMobility on FacebookTwitter (@Y4PT)Google+LinkedIn and Instagram everytime that you are posting a picture, video or message.
